

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Managing Paging Space

In New AIX 5L it is no longer required to have certain important action like shrinking ,adding extra paging space or extending paging space, to have the server restart in order to activate the new changes to the paging space.

Shrinking paging space on the fly:

Use below command to shrink paging space on the fly.

chps -d8 -a yes paging01(-d is decrement 8 is nos of lps -a is activate on next reboot)

Extending Paging space :

chps -s8 paging01

Creating new paging space :

mkps -a -n -s4 myvg (-a activated on subsequent restarts -n activate immeiately -s LPs myvg is vg name in which it needs to be created)

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